32 Hawken Drive, St Lucia QLD 4067
07 3371 6005

About St Lucia Medical
St Lucia Medical has been providing healthcare and support to our patients for over 30 years.
At St Lucia Medical there are Doctors and Allied Health who are dedicated to providing the highest standard of care to you and your family, incorporating an holistic approach towards person-centered health care.
​*Pensioner fee is applicable to Aged and Disability Pension card holders only – all other pension cards or dependants listed on Aged or Disability pension cards will incur the HCC fees.
**Bulk billing does not apply on Saturdays. Children will be charged at the Student Fee and Pensioners will be charged at the HCC fee – Medicare rebates are available
Bulk billing is not available for some procedures, please contact reception on 07 3371 6005 for further information
Allianz Care OSHC card holders will be charged the gap fee. Cards must be shown at the time of consult.
Medicare Online Claiming is also available from the practice.
We require a minimum of 2 hours’ notice if you are unable to attend your scheduled appointment; otherwise, a late cancellation fee of $30 does need to apply. We are also required to apply this as a charge to missed appointments.
We have a Podiatrist and Dietitian at St Lucia Medical (please see 'Our Team' for further information)
4Cyte Pathology is located on-site from 8am to 4pm Mon – Fri – all referrals accepted
Hawken Drive Pharmacy is located 20m from our surgery
Weekdays 8am – 5pm
Saturdays 9:30am – 12pm
In the event of a medical emergency please phone 000.
When the surgery is closed, patient care is provided by National Home Doctor Service on 137425 or Wesley Hospital Emergency Centre on 3232 7333.